VZC Democratic Party
P.O. Box 217
Canton, TX 75103
Become a Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar
VDVR: Pick a Path to Certification
Choose one of three paths to become a certified Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar (VDVR/DVR):
Texas SoS Mandatory County Training
Self-Train, Mandatory County Test
DVR Appointment by Request (Reciprocal DVR appointment)
To become a VDVR for Van Zandt County, either self-train & test in Van Zandt County (Path 2) or train/test through another county and then request to be an appointed DVR for Van Zandt County (Path 3).
Van Zandt County does not provide regularly scheduled training (Path 1), but will provide training by appointment.
Path 1: Mandatory County Training
Find a County Clerk's office that provides Texas SoS approved DVR training via Zoom or in person. Van Zandt County does not regularly provide this training, but larger counties do. Kaufman County provides training once a week.
Complete that County’s Texas SoS approved training and pass the test.
Path 2: Self-Train, Mandatory County Test
Use the documentation on the Texas SoS Website to self-train.
Call (903 567-7555) or contact the VZ County Clerk’s office to arrange to take the DVR test.
After passing the test, the County Clerk’s office issues you a DVR certificate for VZ County.
Path 3: DVR Appointment by Request
Complete either Path 1 or Path 2 through another county to obtain a DVR certificate.
Call (903 567-7555) or contact the VZ County Clerk’s office to arrange a time to process a DVR Appointment Request.
Bring you DVR certificate and Request for Appointment Form (BW2-1) to the County Clerk’s office. The County Clerk’s office should also have an Appointment Form available for you to complete.
After completing the appointment request, the County Clerk’s office issues you a DVR certificate for VZ County.